Vape Anywhere

Remember being able to smoke anywhere without being harassed by others in the room?  You can once again do this, and never feel guilty about second hand smoke!! Great for car-rides with your children or a busy day without a “smoke break”!  E-Cigs are becoming more and more socially acceptable with every day that passes!  <Read More>

Save Money

$6 a pack, $7 a pack, $8 a pack?  How high is it gonna go?  Depending where you live, you might already be paying this much or more!  And cigarette prices are only going to continue rising!  Electronic cigarettes can save you a lot of money!  Within the first carton’s worth you vape, the Starter Kit will pay for itself and then some!  <Read More>

Break Free from Tobacco!

Are you sick of saying “you need to quit” or “you’re ready to quit” and still haven’t done anything about it?  Our products are proven to break your habit, with countless customers now tobacco free, even 2 and 3 pack a day smokers!  Vaping is very realistic and allows you to feel like you are still smoking when you are certainly not.  <Read More>

All ONLINE sales have been halted indefinitely, please visit us at one of our stores in the Central PA region.
