New FDA Regulations

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 Thanks for being a loyal LifeSmoke customer.

The following are a few slight changes going into effect August 8th 2016 per new FDA Regulations.

1. We are now required to charge for juice sampling so we will be charging $.25 to sample juices,

which is then knocked off your purchase. We are required to charge you before you sample.

2. We are no longer allowed to break up packs of atomizer so they will be sold by the pack only.

3. We are no longer allowed to offer free items as rewards so 10 Fivestars points will now get you $8 off any purchase.

The other rewards remain the same.

Sorry for any inconvenience these changes cause.

Thanks for your understanding as we implement these FDA required regulations.

Thanks for your loyalty to LifeSmoke Vapors!

All ONLINE sales have been halted indefinitely, please visit us at one of our stores in the Central PA region.
